The Two Minute Warning Men’s Meeting began after Evangelist Tim Schmidt was burdened with establishing a Men’s Meeting in Northern California.
Schmidt originally wrestled with the Lord over the idea of starting a Men’s Meeting, but the Lord urged him to get out of his comfort zone and take the leap of faith. The Lord faithfully and graciously provided Schmidt with the guidance and the resources to launch the first Two Minute Warning Men’s Meeting in November 2013.
The theme of the Two Minute Warning Men’s Meeting is inspired by the two-minute warning concept in the game of football. The two-minute warning in football is a time for both sides to take a timeout, evaluate where they are at, where they need to go, and listen to the coaches to hear about what to do next.
The Two Minute Warning Men’s Meeting is a time for men to take a timeout, take time to evaluate where they are at spiritually, evaluate where they need to go, and to listen to the Lord to about what to do next.
Despite the football-related theme, the main attraction of the Two Minute Warning Men’s Meeting is God.
Don’t miss this opportunity to be challenged and strengthen by the music and preaching of the Word of God, to be personally revived in your life, and to be encouraged by other men from other churches!
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